National Education Policy 2020 is Finally here! – Complete Detail

National Education Policy 2020

New National Education Policy 2020 is finally here! First-ever in last 34 years.

Education will design our tomorrow. The content, the technology,
methodology, and philosophy all of it will. The nation needs people with skills
that are vocation based and bread earning. That sparks Creativity, Confidence,
compassion, and collaborative growth.

Education doesn’t just happen in the classroom. It doesn’t just happen
when you’re trying to remember which is “x” and which is
“y” or who the King of England was in 1066.

It happens in the intangible, unrecorded, unwritten, and un-memorized
moments in the corridors, in the yard, and, if you’re lucky, behind the bike
sheds. It happens by doing things; many of them outside of the classroom.
Real-world learning through actions.

As the old saying goes, give a man a fish and he will go hungry soon
afterward, give a man a rod and he will learn not to be hungry at all.

Hopeful the New Education Policy equips young learners with all
practical, future-driven and sustainable learnings. Besides the structural
reforms, the process will play a major role.

Instead of asking children mug up following the rote learning concept
and evaluating their performance in a 3 hr exam, holistic learning, leaving
them with questions to give them their own Eureka moments – Is what the New
generation needs.

The Indian government introduced a new policy i.e., NEP 2020, and
probably this could change the face of the Indian Education System in a
valuable way.

New Policy focuses on the Universalization of Education from preschool
to secondary level with 100 % Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in school education
by 2030.

This change in policy could result in a better foundation for students
who are currently in their school, the pattern of the school curriculum has
changed from “10+2” (which was in the earlier policy) to
“5+3+3+4” (New Policy).

The foundational stage would be for five years, including preschool,
1st, and 2nd grade. Then from 3rd-grade till 5th-grade, it would be a
preparatory stage. The middle stage would be from 6th-grade to 8th-grade, and
the final would be the Secondary stage from 9th-grade to 12th grade. 

The government has focused changes in each stage, i.e., until 5th-grade
students would be taught in their Home Language / Mother tongue/ Regional
Language only to understand different subjects better.

A remarkable addition in the curriculum is done that would encourage the
students of 6th grade and above to work more on practical projects and to take
up more vocational education and internship to prepare themselves for in
advance for future roles. Also, coding is being introduced in the curriculum
for better comprehension, and e-Content would be provided in Regional

This policy has concentrated more on higher education and boards. GER in
higher education to be raised to 50 % by 2035 and 35 million more seats to be
added in higher education.

Now, if any college student has to quit their education in the mid-way
or the first year, they can again enroll in the college and join in from next
year, so they do not have to start from the first year again. 

If a student wants to leave in the second year then they will get a
diploma, and if they leave in the third year they will get a bachelors degree,
and after completing the four-year course, a degree of four years will be
awarded along with the research work they have done in the final year.

Mphil is discontinued according to the NEP 2020, and virtual labs will
be used for hands-on training for college students.

Students will have increased flexibility and choice of subjects. There
will be no rigid separations between arts and sciences, between curricular and
extra-curricular activities, between vocational and academic streams.

Overall the focus of the NEP 2020 is that now the student focus should
be on developing knowledge and new skills rather than cramming up the subjects;
moreover, the curriculum has been altered to focus more on practical knowledge
and less on theoretical knowledge.

Board examination would set to be progressively simpler and
objective-based; an overall assessment of students would be done all through
the entire year so, students have to focus more on overall betterment and not
just the preparation for final exams only.

If this would be implemented as it is written in the policy, it will
innovate the entire education system in India. 


  1. 10+2 board structure is dropped
  2. New school structure will be 5+3+3+4
  3. Up to 5 pre-school, 6 to 8 Mid School, 9 to 12 High School, 12 onwards
  4. 6th std onwards vocational courses available
  5. From 9th to 12 students can choose subjects
  6. All graduation course will have major and minor (Example – science
    student can have Physics as Major and Music as minor also. Any combination he
    can choose)
  7. All higher education will be governed by only one authority.
  8. UGC AICTE will be merged.
  9. All University government, private, Open, Deemed, Vocational, etc will
    have the same grading and other rules.
  10. New Teacher Training board will be set up for all kinds of teachers in
    the country, no state can change
  11. Same level of Accreditation to any college, based on its rating college
    will get autonomous rights and funds.
  12. New Basic learning program will be created by the government for parents
    to teach children up to 3 years at home and for pre-school 3 to 6 years.
  13. Multiple entry and exit from any course.
  14. Credit system for graduation for each year student will get some credits
    which he can utilize if he takes a break in the course and comes back again to
    complete course
  15. All schools exams will be semester wise twice a year
  16. The syllabus will be reduced to core knowledge of any subject only
  17. More focus on student practical and application knowledge
  18. For any graduation course if the student completes only one year he will
    get a basic certificate, if he completes two years then he will get a Diploma
    certificate and if he completes the full course then he will get a degree
    certificate. So no year of any student will ve vested if he breaks the course
    in between.
  19. All the graduation courses of all Universities will be governed by a
    single authority with capping on each course.

Now we can hope our education system will be at par with modern
countries and the future of our children will be bright.

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